We would like to provide a little more insight into bores, pumps and reticulation and what you may like to know. Don't see the answer to your question? Feel free to get in touch, we would love to have a chat to talk through our services and how we can help.
Why do I need a bore?
It is estimated around 40% of household water goes to gardens and lawn. Imagine if you could source that water without having to pay for it? This is the greatest benefit of having a bore.
How do I get a bore?
Just get in contact with us! Allbores is a professional and reliable business who pride themselves on customer service. Simply fill out our contact form or given Gavin or Jenny a call to discuss.
I have limited access on my property, can i still get a bore?
In most cases, yes! With a light 4x4 truck we are able to access most spaces in the front of the property that a vehicle can access (e.g. Ute). This includes steep driveways, manoeuvring around front fences, small frontages and heavily landscapes gardens.
How much space does a submersible bore take up?
Not much at all. If there is limited space on the property the bore can be situated under your driveway, in a garden bed or under the lawn in a small rectangular trafficable reticulation box (approx 500mm x 350mm).
Do you need to access my property to provide a bore quote?
No, we are able to provide a free verbal or written bore quote without visiting the property. However, an onsite visit is necessary prior to drilling the bore to confirm the quote and site location for the bore.
How deep do you drill?
All areas are completely individual. We utilise the Department of Water to determine the exact drilling depth.
Do I need a license or council approval for my new garden bore?
Thanks to the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, no licences are needed for domestic garden bores in the Perth metropolitan area. However, there are some areas where a licence would be required.
How long does it take to install a bore?
Drilling the bore itself normally takes half a day. Once the necessary electrical connections have been completed we can then connect the bore to your reticulation system. Usually the process is carried out over two days.
Can I connect my bore and irrigation system?
Of course! Whether you have a pre-existing reticulation system or are looking to have one installed, as part of the bore installation process we will ensure that your bore is connected and up and running.
I am building a new house, when is the best time to install a bore?
For ease of access, ideally the bore would be installed prior to any front landscaping, hardscaping, front fencing or driveway works. However, if this isn't possible you can still have a bore constructed on your property, we will endeavour to guide you to a great end result.
What maintenance is required with a bore?
Little or no maintenance is needed. We do recommend you test your bore over the winter sprinkler ban period in accordance with Department of Water guidelines.
What does it cost to run a bore?
Very little. Most residential submersible garden bores in Perth are installed with 0.75kw or 1.1kw motor and would cost approx. $30 per year to run (3 days a week for an hour and a half a day).
Which areas in Perth do you service?
All Perth suburbs! Our 4x4 light truck allows us to to be perfectly suited to install bores for residential and commercials property owners in the Perth metro area, for this reason we don't travel outside this area.
Why does my circuit breaker keep tripping out?
Normally, this is an electrical problem and usually means there is an issue with the motor. We can send one of our experienced bore electricians to diagnose the problem.
Does my new bore come with a warranty?
We construct our water bores with high quality materials and to a high standard to ensure a long life. Allbores provide a 10 year construction warranty on the bore hole itself and manufacturer's and workmanship warranties on pumps and motors.
How much does a bore cost?
It depends - the depth of water and geology varies from suburb to suburb which in turn affects the cost to drill the bore. We would be more than happy to check your property and provide a quote.

Call Gavin on 0422 408 823 for a free quote and to discuss how we could help you!